Flooring advice

What's the Best Flooring for Stairs

Buyer's Guide| Hallway| Room

When it comes to choosing your floor for your stairs, there are several factors to consider. However, arguably the most important considerations are durability and practicality, as stairways are most likely to experience the most traffic in your home.

From sturdy laminate to high performing real wood, read on for our expert guide on which floor is best for your stairs.

Can you put wood flooring on stairs?

Thanks to its performance and style, one of the most popular choices for stairs is real wood flooring. Easy to maintain whilst adding a touch of elegance to your home, it's easy to see why it's such a popular flooring choice.

Another option for your stairs is engineered wood which provides similar benefits to solid wood, plus with added resistance to moisture and heat - meaning there is little chance of unwanted warping.

Your wood flooring on your staircase will need some finishing touches once laid, including Stair nosing.

What is stair nosing?

Stair nosing is a safe way to finish your wood flooring and reinforce step edges by hiding the edges of the wood. It's fitted horizontally to the edge of the flooring where the two pieces of wood meet to create a rounded edge. Not only are they a safety requirement, they also enhance the durability of the stair tread and floor covering used by completely minimising excessive wear patterns.

This will also be a step needed if you opt for laminate flooring on your stairs.

Is laminate on stairs a good idea?

Another great option for your stairs is laminate flooring, which is highly versatile and budget friendly. Not only that, it's ideal to get the wood look you're after paired with the benefit of being incredibly low maintenance, making cleaning your stairs a simple task rather than a chore. You'll be able to easily eliminate any dirt or residue with a clean mop rather than navigating the stairs with a vacuum, which can sometimes be awkward to carry or navigate.

It's also good to know our laminate flooring options are incredibly DIY-friendly, as there are no nails or screws required. Laminate installation is fast and easy, so your new stairs will be good to go in no time.

Laminate floors have an incredibly strong surface thanks to their tough resin top coat and won't show wear the same way as real wood - ideal for protecting your stairs which will be a high traffic area.

Is vinyl flooring good for stairs?

Non-slip, easy clean and 100% waterproof - three of the main reasons why vinyl flooring is a fantastic option for stairs. It's also why it's the best stair flooring for dogs and most pets, so you won't have to worry about your furry friends running up and down them.

It's handy to know our floors are all AC-rated, if you're unsure what this means, be sure to check out our AC rating guide first as this is certainly a consideration when choosing your dream floor. Our floors range from AC3-AC5, starting at AC3 which are ideal for domestic use, however for that extra level of traffic and protection from wear and tear we have AC4 and AC5 options for enhanced durability

You may now be picturing your ideal stair and hallway pairing and wondering if it's better to match these underfoot and colour-wise. Matching the stairs and the hallway will help the space feel more flowing and continuous, all while adding the illusion of space - perfect.

However, if you'd prefer to make statement with your stairs, mixing up the colours and/or patterns of your stair floor with your hallway floor can make quite the feature - it's totally up to you and your home's personal style.