Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

At Keswick Flooring Ltd, we are proud to be one of the largest online sellers of predominantly hard flooring and accessories, serving customers throughout the UK and occasionally further afield. We understand the responsibility that comes with our global reach and the importance of ensuring that our operations and supply chains are free from modern slavery and human trafficking.

Keswick Flooring Ltd consist of:

As such, we are committed to the following principles:

      1. Policy Commitment: Keswick Flooring Ltd is dedicated to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our business. We have a zero-tolerance approach to these abhorrent practices and are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics and integrity.
      2. Supply Chain Transparency: We recognize that our supply chains extend across various regions, including the Far East (such as China) and Europe. To ensure transparency and accountability, we utilize our Sedex membership to conduct SMETA 4-Pillar ethical supply chain audits. These audits enable us to assess and monitor the working conditions and ethical practices of our suppliers, thereby mitigating the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking (further details of Sedex and the SMETA ethical trade audit can be found at ).
      3. Supplier Engagement: Keswick Flooring Ltd engages closely with our suppliers to promote responsible sourcing practices. We expect all suppliers to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which prohibits the use of forced labour, child labour, and any form of human trafficking. Through collaboration and dialogue, we work with our suppliers to address any identified risks and drive continuous improvement.
      4. Employee Awareness and Training: We understand that our employees play a crucial role in identifying and preventing modern slavery and human trafficking within our operations and supply chains. Therefore, we provide regular training and awareness programs to equip our employees with the knowledge and tools necessary to recognize the signs of exploitation and report any concerns promptly.
      5. Due Diligence and Risk Assessment: Keswick Flooring Ltd conducts thorough due diligence and risk assessments across our supply chains to identify and address potential vulnerabilities to modern slavery and human trafficking. We take proactive measures to mitigate these risks and ensure that our suppliers uphold ethical standards consistent with our values.
      6. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuously improving our practices and processes to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. This includes regularly reviewing our policies, conducting internal audits, and seeking feedback from stakeholders to drive meaningful change and progress.
      7. Our Team - There are several areas of the business that work together in our continuing compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, these include:
        • Human Resources
        • Procurement
        • Supply Chain
        • Risk
      8. Public Disclosure and Transparency: This statement reaffirms our commitment to transparency and accountability. We make this statement publicly available on our website and other relevant platforms to demonstrate our dedication to combating modern slavery and human trafficking and to invite feedback from stakeholders.

Keswick Flooring Ltd remains steadfast in our commitment to respecting human rights, upholding ethical business practices, and contributing to the global fight against modern slavery and human trafficking.

This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors

April 2024